Final Sketch 2: Examine single-framed, multi-path narrative (part 1)

For this part of the project, we were to explore the possibility of representing the comic in a single framed panel. The story needs to be multi path and another added challenge is to include a non-fictional part to the story.

From the tutorial class, we realize that the genre of horror was most popular with the class. Many of them liked the idea of of a horror story. Hence, our group decided to explore more on the genre of horror and gore.

Personally, horror and gore was never a particular favorite genre of mine. I always find them too morbid for my taste. However, since my group were looking into this genre, I immediately thought of the ever popular Happy Tree Friends. The show, though contains gore, is not as disgusting as the gore we see in films because the cartoon has a childish appearance. I thought this degree of gore was more acceptable for me and decided I wanted to do gore that was vivid to the mind but not visually. Thus for sketch 2, I decided that though the nature was gore, the artwork should still be kept cute to minimize disgust.

In this sketch, I decided to make a parody of the youtube videos by Blendtec. The videos are part of a viral marketing campaign, 'Will It Blend?' In the videos, Tom Dickson, Blendtec's founder will blend various unusual items to show off the power of the blender, including roses, marbles, credit cards and even an iPad (heartbreaks :( ) Heres a link to the youtube channel if anyone is interested:

In my story, Gretel was unsuccessful in getting rid of the witch. The two children tried to make an escape and readers will get the choice of choosing whether the witch should go after Hansel of Gretel. Yes, Hansel is rolly in this story because he was the only one getting fed by the witch.

If one chooses the story of Gretel, the witch will recapture her and attempts to blend her in the blender, as part of her weekly vlog show to showcase her blender (aptly named Bluntec) to fellow witch audiences. 

I thought this was a good chance of including the non-fiction part into the story as well. I did a research on what makes a good blender from this website: 

The four main features to look out for in a blender are: 
The Blender Motor, the Jug, the Blender Blades and the Blender Drive System.
Thus, I've included these during the witch 'vlog show' as the non-fiction element. 

Yes, I realize this is more funny than gory, but I'm just not the gore kinda person! Haha. To conclude Gretel's story, I included a panel that mimics how the 'Will It Blend' videos ends.

On the other hand, if readers choose the story of Hansel, there will not be any non-fictional part and simply a story. The witch dies in this story though.

Hansel was too fat to fit into the blender.

The blender explodes and Hansel pops out, unhurt.

The blender blade however, cuts into the witch's face.
The witch dies from over-bleeding and Hansel is saved. 

I must say this probably isn't the least bit gory (I should have added more bloodshed). The full version can only be found in ivle, sadly. I will be reflecting on this type of comic representation in my next post! :)


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