CE3: Examining the time and space continuum between motion comics and printed comics

For class exercise 3, we were required to identify the main differences between motion and printed comics as well as classify its strengths and weakness according to time and space continuum. 

The main differences between motion comic and printed comic

Printed comics are on tangible publication while motion comics are in the form of multimedia. Hence, printed comics are cheaper to produce while it will definitely cost more to produce motion comics. Motion comics are usually based off the printed comics but most are loosely based.

Next, we'll discuss the strengths and limitations of motion comic and printed comic in the aspect of time and space.

The strengths and limitations of motion comic and printed comic

Printed Comic
  • Not constrained to time, readers can reread the comic 

Motion Comic
  • Multi modalities, includes visual and sound to engage multiple senses
  • Flow of story controlled by directors, viewers don't need to determine the order of narrative
  • Flow of story not interrupted by space limitations as frames are continuous


Printed Comic
  • Limited only to visuals
  • Relies on the ability of readers to determine the flow of the narrative. Comic artist needs to be able to guide the readers eyes throughout the panels otherwise readers may end up lost. 
  • Art confined within the limits of the publication, the flipping of pages may result in discontinuity of reading

Motion Comic
  • Not repeat-friendly. Viewers can repeat the story, but it is a hassle to rewind and find out which part they want the story to continue from
  • Multimodalities can be an advantage or disadvantage, it could interrupt an audience viewing of the narrative


While both forms has its own benefits and disadvantages, I believe that motion comics is definitely gaining its foothold in the comic industry. As people get increasingly busier, little have time to spare to glance over pages and pages of comic. The comic industry faces a shrinking audience and its existing fan base grows increasingly older. Hence I feel that motion comics can help to recapture new readers who are more enticed by the new medium. But again, motion comics cost a lot to produce. So unless this new form of comic is able to capture enough fans to make a strong enough business to sustain its costs, such a medium of comic should still be viewed with some degree of skepticism.


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