CE1: Defining Sequential Art

So we had our first NM3228 lecture today and we were introduced to what sequential art is. 
Prior to the lesson and the readings, I conceptualized sequential art as frames of images in an order, like storyboards! Turns out, something closer to the idea of sequential art is comics though many other forms could be counted as sequential art as well. 

So with so many ways of defining sequential art, the class got into groups to come up with definitions based on some images provided by Jing. Basically, my group felt that it has to be in an orderly sequence in which removal of any part of the sequence would result in the story not making any sense. There should also have a recurring detail in the sequence that could prompt viewers to relate and link a story together. And of course, it has to be narrative. 

So this, 

is considered sequential art to us. And this,

isn't, because we could remove any one body in there and it still makes sense. And there isn't exactly a story either, more like a development.

Then again, the other groups had other ways to defining it. A group had mention that a orderly sequence wasn't necessary as long as we can still figure out the story.

I guess its not going to be possible to give a really clear, undebatable definition of sequential art but that's just as well. If it's definable, it wouldn't really be considered art now would it? :)


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